Champaign premium grain growers
to compete in the specialty grain markets of the future, WE need to be able to adapt and change quickly as the market requires.
Champaign Premium Grain Growers (CPGG) represents a group of Ohio farmers in and around the central Ohio area. These farmers formed this limited liability company to develop a more efficient model to market their value-added crops and purchase inputs in volume. They believed that to compete in the specialty grain markets of the future, they needed to be able to adapt and change quickly as the market requires. By partnering together, CPGG allows its members to retain their independence while still being able to compete for larger and more lucrative output specialty contracts.
CPGG's goal is to share the existing resources and expertise of the owners rather than each farmer trying to operate independently. CPGG is working to develop relationships with the major input suppliers of seed, fertilizer, pesticides, and equipment by purchasing input supplies as a group in volume quantities. While we anticipate the opportunities of the future may lay with higher value IP grains, we also realize in today’s environment significantly profitable IP programs are difficult to find. Therefore, we will continue to develop strong business relationships with input suppliers. We see the input purchasing as the backbone of CPGG.
Our mission is to operate as a limited liability company, to identify and facilitate profitable production of value-added commodity crops, to enhance each member's bargaining position focusing on input opportunities and always looking for better value added output opportunities. All the while leveraging the membership's knowledge base to learn from each other.